“Most of us live our lives by accident. We live it as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.”
- Simon Sinek
“Most of us live our lives by accident. We live it as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.” - Simon Sinek
The above quote is one of my favourites. It speaks to the power of self-awareness and insight. When we focus on the things that interest us, the support we need, and the impact we want to have, we can move forward with clarity and intention.
Sometimes it can be difficult to identify those factors. That’s where The Birkman Method comes in.
The Birkman Method® is a self-assessment tool backed by more than 70 years of validated research and application, with over 8000 companies, educational institutions and assessment centres, and more than 3.5 million people worldwide. It goes much deeper than other career assessment tools.
With scientific accuracy, Birkman combines behavioral and occupational data to match an individual to the workplaces where people with similar personality characteristics and interests are reporting success and personal satisfaction.
This helps individuals better understand education options and career directions best suited for them based on their unique personality and interests.
In addition to validated career information, the Birkman Method® also assesses an individual’s needs, motivators and stress behaviours. Understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors important to an individual is useful when considering best fit in academic and work environments.
When an individual registers for My Big Sky 101, they will receive two completely customized, individualized reports which will include their:
Personality factors - including interests, usual behavioural style, needs and stress response
Learning style
Interest analysis divided into 10 areas and weighted by preference
Matches to career categories that factor in the individual’s interests, personality and environmental needs
Download a My Big Sky 101 sample report.
Then, 2-3 weeks following the initial My Big Sky 101 debrief, the individual will also receive a My Big Sky 101 Summary Report which will include the following:
Highlights from the 101 report and the coaching debrief
Links to schools and programs based on the individual’s results and preferences
Tools to help the individual navigate the research and decision-making process
Download a My Big Sky 101 summary report.