My Big Sky 101

You are:

  • A high school student, aged 15+

  • Looking for insight, guidance, and possibilities for post-secondary options and careers

  • Willing to commit a total of up to 3 hours:

    • completing an online assessment

    • meeting 1-on-1 with Lori Stephenson to debrief the assessment results via Zoom video conferencing or in person

Results you can expect from My Big Sky 101:

  • A thorough understanding of your interests, strengths, learning style and other personal traits

  • A clearer picture of how to apply your unique qualities to your decision-making process, which will help to guide you in your future

  • Personalized reports that capture key factors important in your decision-making and a follow up report that includes some initial school and program research to help get you started

  • The chance to explore your future in a one-to-one coaching session. You will engage in an individualized 60 minute conversation with My Big Sky coach, Lori Stephenson, focusing on your assessment data and educational options.

My Big Sky 101